What’s Going On–An Open ? from Nan

If anyone was to ask me, how would I describe the position of living beings in our universe, I would have to guess we are slowly learning how to come to terms with ego, and how to open spirit. This is not just a human task, but a life task. Every living being (Is there any other kind?) has spirit, and spirits are the parts of us that progress, or, using other words, are raising their consciousnesses. The thing is, there seem to be three levels of consciousness in my experience: physical, mental, and spiritual. Spirituality informs all levels, but the spirit cannot do much until the physical (ego) is tamed, and the mental (mind) is opened. From the mind all connections can become visible, at which time the spiritual (spirit) is able to awaken, and take over the consciousness it centers. This is about the simplest way I can speak to my own experience, but there is great complexity behind this simplicity.

This relationship, ego to mind to spirit, can be comprehended on the spiritual level of life, but it cannot be easily described in English (the only language I have mastered enough to even try. I would probably need to write a book to try, and I would likely forget to include things that would need to be included to give a full and proper description. (Someday, I may try to construct such a book, but at this point I am still learning. I need more information than I have.) My mind can grasp a lot, but not as much as my spirit feels the need to tell.

As for what is spiritual progress, again I can see more than my spirit can explain. The biggest thing, for me, is understanding why I cannot explain. How does one describe understanding that life has no known goal because knowing the goal would invalidate the journeys we are all on, whether we realize it or not.

Imagine you are Christoffa Colombo. You set off on a journey from Spain convinced you are going to reach India. When you find land, as you expected, you call the inhabitants Indians. Yet even when your error is discovered, you still insist on calling these new people Indians. You want so badly to have reached your goal you are willing to tell one of the biggest lies of all time to hide your mistake. You call the land the Americas after your good buddy, Amerigo Vespucci, but you insist the occupants are Indians. 600 years later this same lie is still being repeated. Indians are from the Americas, not from India. How absurd! Indians are from India, true Americans are from the Americas!

But this is only half the lie. Whatever else you did do, when you discovered America, you failed in your goal. You thought you knew where you were going, but you went somewhere else instead. The Colombo example starts to fall apart now. The Americas interrupted his known goal, India. But what if Colombo did not know where he was going, but he still went anyway, and succeeded in discovering what no European knew was there. How would that have changed the history of the last 600 years? Of course, we can never know, what happened is what happened. The is no changing that!

Therefore I will suppose a new example. Here we all are, on our personal journeys not only to discover our spirituality, but also looking for the goal, or purpose, of life. First of all, how do we know life has purpose? In all the time life has existed on this earth, we have never seen an actual purpose. At best purpose is like time or borders, we can only see them by the influence of human ingenuity. They are thought constructs, without physical reality. Purpose has no physical reality! Or does it? Through first the story of evolution as discovered in the fossils from the distant past, we can read snapshotss of the story of life.

All life started as one-celled beings, or things that became one-celled beings. All life consisted of one-celled beings for millions or possibly billions of years. Then came the first advancement, two one-celled beings joined together and gave forth a new kind of life. Two-celled beings were stronger, more likely to live longer, and procreate better in order to prolong individual lives, and species life. So for a long long time, the most advanced beings on earth were two-celled beings.

Until three-celled beings appeared. Then four-celled beings. At some point life started to become multi-celled beings, with every cell contributing to the life of the whole organism. Do you see what was going on? Life was advancing, all on its own. Given enough time, and enough chance joinings (chaos), life was becoming stronger, and more efficient. Somewhere along the line, life discovered bisexuality. Instead of just splitting into endless copies of of the same original cell-beings, using two genders to reproduce produced many more combinations of possible lifeforms. Progress happened.

DNA was another part of the story of life. I myself do not know much more than the basics about DNA. But I do know we can use human DNA to tell part of our human history. DNA can help us follow the spread of humanity all over the earth. I believe, if we had the know-how, and the equipment, we could probably follow our DNA right back to the DNA of the earliest one-celled beings. Can you imagine the stories that search would tell us? I can! They are amazing! And that story would be the history of life’s progression from the start of life on this planet, right up to the present.

That history is the history of progress. And progress illustrates a drive to purpose. What do I mean by this, a drive to purpose? Purpose might be the raison d’etre, of life–the reason to live. Do we, living beings, have purpose? Most of us think we do, or at least hope we do. We want our lives to mean something. I think that reason, or purpose, is to progress. But progress cannot be purpose, it can only be a way of moving towards purpose. And while we might not know that there is a true purpose of life (although we can have our suspicions), we can fairly reasonably assume life is heading towards something–and we hope that something is purpose. This is what I call the drive to purpose. It is that which fuels us to find purpose.

But here I need to say that which many will disagree with: we on earth, or anywhere in our universe, cannot know the purpose of life! Why not? Because life itself does not know yet what it’s purpose is. All our lives so far are shaped by chaos, by things happening haphazardly. Nowhere in our history has life shown any propensity to progress in a straight line. Don’t you think, if life had a purpose, and knew that purpose, it would move in a straight line towards that purpose. Evolution, or progress, has never moved in a straight line. No, progress is chaotic! As long as chaos exists, and chaos still exists, no one can know true purpose of life–because it does not exist yet. We can reason only as far as the seeming fact life is searching for something by every means possible. And whether we look at physical life, mental life, or spiritual life, there is a drive to find purpose. But until we living beings find it, it cannot exist.

As crazy as this might sound, and I’m sure you will agree with me this does sound crazy, there is no purpose of life. So, in a direct way, you can say I have not really said anything at all in this post. But I have given you what my experience has given me of what is really going on. We, the beings of this cosmos, are looking for the purpose of life, even though we know it does not exist. Yet that purpose, whenever we find it, is the most important thing that life will ever discover. Search on.

Author: rawgod

A man with a lot of strange experiences in my life. Haven't traveled that much per se, but have lived in a lot of different areas. English is the only language I have mastered, and the older I get, the more of it I lose. Seniorhood gives me more time to self-reflect, but since time seems to go much faster, it feels like I don't have as much time for living as my younger selves did. I believe in spiritual atheism and responsible anarchy. These do not have to be oxymorons. Imagination is an incredible tool. I can imagine a lot of things.

51 thoughts on “What’s Going On–An Open ? from Nan”

      1. Likewise. Who would ever think there is a special purpose unless one was asked about it in the first place? The debate goes on because we are asked. Now, one group claims special knowledge of the purpose and forces debate where it may not have actually been an issue. Imo


        1. I’ve always felt life had purpose, but it took till yesterday to realize that purpose cannot exist in this place and time. And for me that just puts another nail in god’s non-existent coffin. Not that I needed another one. But there are times my mind scares me.
          But as usual, I just follow where my spirit yearns to wander. Some day it will wander right out of our cosmos.

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          1. We have our five senses, and some have another half a sense they can’t pinpoint what it is or means, but they feel it. The Egyptians talked about 360 senses. That puts us communicating with plants and animals imo, and in tune with the natural world in a way we literally can’t even imagine. We’re seeing the universe as a crippled people, thinking we’re the smartest ever. Just like a global scale Dunning/Kruger effect. We ain’t too bright if we think we are.


            1. Horses are smarter than we are, though they lose it around fire. Whales can talk over thousands of miles, without radio. We are definitely not the smartest living beings. In fact, I’d say we come fairly far down the list.

              Liked by 3 people

                1. Nah, the opposable thumb thing was so they would make useful working slaves. The hubris was programmed into the stupid creature as a survival mechanism in those days when cloning the creatures was expensive, gestating them through imported “birth mothers” took too long, was too slow and was riddled with risks and failures. So “they” (you know, those infamous they) made it fertile so it could reproduce by itself – bonus. Of course that particular bit of history was first of all buried inside asinine religious doctrine, then once again forced away from the creature’s growing knowledge with a bit of pseudo science, a pawn set up to invent an evolution theory and we’re still waiting to get to bat, never mind running the bases. As long as ‘man’ refused to face the reality of his real past, ‘he’ ain’t going nowheres, and that nowheres looks more and more like a sure dead end.
                  Would it help if the creature was inclined to actually think, and realize it’s nothing more than a convenient invention once upon a time used as slave labour, then when no longer useful to its inventors, left to its own devices on a world it was never designed to exist in naturally; a world it would never understand and always consider its #1 enemy? Maybe it would help to deal with climate change and a few other really crazy things the creature does for no good reason, but the programming from the makers, the “Law” says, no, you must never become a natural creature of your world. So here we are, pseudo humans living on the Island of Doctor Moreau and exponentially de-evolving both morally and mentally while being less able to adapt physically to a changing world we ourselves are now totally responsible for. Will common sense finally come to the fore or will the self-destruct programming continue to rule until we do just that?

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                  1. Well, well, well … I learn something new every day! That explanation explains more than a few things. And to your final question … if common sense had any intention of coming to the fore, it would have already done so, thus I think it’s mostly a certainty that we are intent on self-destruction. Wouldn’t be so bad, but we seem to want to take all other species with us.


                    1. I disagree, Jill, we as life do not want to damage our world, but that is not the problem. The problem are beings who care only for themselves being in power. All it takes is one fool with a big red button, and we are all toasted.

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            1. There is that Jonathan, but I was thinking on a much higher level at the time, the macro macro. I don’t often speak on a capital T Truth level, I do not believe in Truth, but in this case I was approaching that level. I was trying to demonstrate why life is not progressing in a direct line.

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  1. So … to put it in a nutshell, there either is no purpose to any of our lives, or else we are simply stepping stones to some point in the far distant future when a purpose begins to become clear … maybe. Mind-boggling … literally! I don’t disagree with a word you’ve said, but the concept is difficult, for me at least, for I am such a pragmatist that if I cannot see it, I cannot really believe in it. That is why I cannot believe in any religions, for they all present ideas that are simply to be taken “on faith”, and I need hard evidence. But to your point … if there truly is no purpose and we are all just bumbling about chaotically, then that explains a lot! Maybe. I think. 🤔 Thanks Nan and rawgod! Now I shall lie awake tonight puzzling and pondering on this …

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    1. Take your time, sweet heart. I had no idea when I started my answer where I was going. I re-checked at least 3 times when I wrote the non-existence of known purpose part. It was almost scary, but it does explain much. My pondering machine will be working overtime too. But get your sleep. Purpose is not on the immediare agenda, I don’t think.

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      1. Perhaps there is no purpose, but then why do we bother with the day-to-day mundanities in life … things such as cooking food, cleaning toilets, writing blogs, or even writing books, for that matter? Why bother … ? Yeah, I know you’re looking at the bigger picture, but all these little things are actually a part of the bigger picture, aren’t they?


        1. One of the smart sayings I got from ‘the Teachers’ (YLea actually) was to think, ‘As below, so above’ when wondering about the macro. I think of earth as the micro of the macro. The universe is very much in the same “condition” as is earth if we bear in mind that some parts, being billions of years “older” may be more evolved, some much less, though what that entails we may not know. I have done Astral travel and have certainly seen strange sights, partaking in some strange aspects of life “out there” and I no longer wonder much about it all – there is beauty and horror but very little mystery. Yes, Jill is right, what we do “here” is an essential part of the greater fabric… whether we are creating beauty or becoming a deadly virus that could break free of this solar system and infect the galaxy and beyond. I already know we are definitely not creating any beauty, so…?

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          1. We are still a very long way from breaking free of our planet, let alone break free of our star system. That is one place where science fiction jumped the proverbial gun. Most sf writers thought we’d be at least colonizing Mars by now, if not the stars. But humanity took a sideways turn after July 20, 1969. I wish we hadn’t, but I’m glad we did.


            1. That sideways shift initiated in 1969 has never made any sense unless one admits that there was some serious ‘intervention’ in the affairs of powerful men at the time. Go back a few thousand years and you find a similar intervention recorded in the Bible, called the tower of Babel. At least in that story we are told the reason for the intervention: the Elohim, or the gods, were concerned that man was “building a tower to the heavens” and if he did this nothing he decided to do would be denied him. That tower to the heavens has been explained as nothing less than a massive enterprise to launch space-faring shuttles from earth. The “gods” intervened drastically at that time and the work stopped. There is no other logical reason for the space program to be so altered and neutered after 1969 than a similar “intervention” which we the sheeple could never be made aware of. We would simply accept the developments without seriously questioning the reasons behind them.
              Assuming “alien” interventions, there is no other reason to prevent ‘man’ from launching manned vehicles outside this solar system than that the creature carries a virus capable of unimaginable destruction. We know what that virus is, as it is destroying the earth.


              1. I cannot assume alien intervention, though given alien interfacing with humans I will not deny the possibility. Having said that, I see no reason for alien interference. Humanity woulld take a thousand years to suitably conquer the solar dysten before they could look to the stars. And travelling from Sol’s plantetary system to another star’s planetary system would take generations. It would not be like S’T jumping in a plane in Abbotsford and 10 hours later landing in Tokyo. It would be more like S’T entering a spaceship on the Moon and her great-grear-great granddaughter steping off the ship on a planet in the Alpha Centauri systen. Speed of light travel is probably impossible, and faster-than-light travel a mere fictional fantasy. Despite all the fiction, truth is not as magical. Any alien cultures have nothing to fear from us, unless they provide us with the means for FTL flight.
                The human virus is also nothing more than sf storytelling.

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          2. I fear you have left me lightyears behind here. I did Google ‘astral travel’, never having heard of the concept, but even after skimming an article about it, I was left scratching my head. I suspect it is beyond my imagination, for I am ever the pragmatist … if I cannot see it, hear it, smell it, touch it, then it is beyond my ability to conceive of. This is why I cannot write fiction! I have very little imagination, I think. Sigh.


            1. Astral travel comes to us from Eastern philosophies and religions. It is the conscious spirit free of ghe body, and can be used on many levels. I taught myself to astral travel in my late teens, so I can say from my experience it does exist. But I did not teach myself to travel safely, and one experience affected me so negatively I have never done it consciously again. But many of the dreams I have are so realistic I can only think they are non-conscious astral travel.
              Astral travel does not require imagination, but to do it consciously does require belief.

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              1. I would make a slight correction: the idea of astral travel, not the ability to astral travel, comes to us from eastern philosophies because it wasn’t crushed out of those as systematically as was done by the Christian religion in the west. We are all astral travelers, particularly when very young and near the point of the body’s death, but as you say, belief comes into play. Anytime mind supersedes or breaks free of the body, it becomes a matter of belief, not in the actual act, but what to make of the experience after the fact. Do I write it off as a dream or do I accept it and make it an essential part of myself? That is the big fork in the road for any intelligent, sentient, self aware being.

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                1. When I was still able to consciously “fly” I could travel to places on Earth, but I was never able to get beyond Earth’s limits. Probably I did not believe I could go otherwheres, or I just had no desire. I did not travel in time, or dimensionally, just here and then. In astral dreams I had a bit more leeway, but I was not conscious to say anything for sure. What you do, how conscious you are while you are doing it, I obviously cannot know. But when I spoke about belief, I was talking about conscious astral travel, being purposefully awake and out of your body. If one does not believe they can, they will not be able to do it. Unconsciously, meaning not being wide awake, everyone does that, yes. Consciously, purposefully, I haven’t heard of much. I don’t think it is so much as religion that prevents western peoples as just not knowing it is possible. For me it took knowing it was possible to be able to teach myself how. That is what I meant by belief.

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                  1. Belief in possibility – that’s what I meant also, I may not have expressed it properly – blame that ESL thing, it’s so convenient and as I grow older, French is returning to me with a vengeance and I have to consciously watch my English “tournure” of phraseology! We’re on the same track here if mine may be more “out there” or esoteric. I can do it consciously. The trick, as you say, is to believe, or rather, as I say it, to accept what I encounter and see as my mind outside the Earthian programming. A saying from YLea that has helped me to motor along the cosmic highways… ‘believe all things, believe in nothing.’ The moment we stop to qestion or we decide to believe “in” whatever, the brakes come full on: both air brakes and engine brakes! In the cosmos (should it care!) I’m a WindWalker, on earth I’m a Cassandra.

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            2. I think I take too much for granted. Seems I left both, you and rawgod wondering where I’m coming from, and going. I wouldn’t know where to start explaining since “my” reality is a panorama that expands in every “direction” of past, future, inner and outer. Now you’ve met one of the WindWalkers, or those who walk between worlds. Welcome to “out there”! Astral travel is the ability to travel space and time without moving. The mind separates from the body and usually under spiritual guidance, goes off to discover and explore particular aspects of the cosmos, gathering “intelligence” so to speak to help – me in this case – work out a problem, find a solution to a problem, decide on a purpose, see which local battles are worth engaging, which cannot be resolved, which will resolve themselves. One time I went out in search of God and found him, only to discover he wasn’t God, just another advanced being in search of his own purpose…

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        2. All life has three similar attributes, that I always thought of as purpose. One, the drive to survive. That would take care of those cooking and cleaning mundanities. Next is the drive to procreate, or, help the species survive.Those could include blogging and writing, but those are relatively recent. Sex, well, it is what it is. And then there is the drive to progress, to be better at living than your ancestors. We may not be able to see the ways living beings change, but except for animals like cock roaches and crocodiles, who have found perfection as far as their species are concerned, everything changes to meet their needs. Put the three attributes together, and you get the drive to purpose.
          So, yes, the little things are part of the larger, but on their own, they are just that, little parts. Meanwhile, I do speak in tongues, of a sort. When you look at a car, let’s say, you can see it has purpose, to move you from spot A to spot B. But if you took the car apart into all its separate pieces, could you still say the purpose of all these parts is to move you. Until they are parts of a whole, they are useless bits of matter. Life is the opposite of the car. All its bits can have purpose, but if you put all the bits together, you cannot see the purpose of the whole just by looking. Even by studying everything about life, the only purpose you can give it is to live. But that says nothing at all about life, or the purpose of life.
          I hope this answers your question, or you might make my mind overload trying to come up with a different explanation.

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          1. To give “life” purpose is to look at the concept anthropomorphically, just like religious people have been guilty of doing with their god, or gods. Next thing you know, someone would write a book claiming it was dictated to her/him by “life” and if that took off, life would become the ultimate god and all others would fall down into the categories of idols, or false gods. We have come quite close to that by elevating the concept of evolution into quasi godhood, i.e., having a firm belief in evolution means one no longer needs to believe in God. In fact believing in evolution nixes the belief in God since life no longer needs a creator. This kind of speculation never ends. There is power available and forces endlessly struggling against each other to claim that power. The power resides in the minds of intelligent, sentient, self-aware beings and for power seekers it is the ultimate riches. The trick, since the power cannot be directly extracted from the issa being, it must be seduced out of it. The creature must willingly give up its power to the power seeker. There are three major power seeking entities: religion, the state and money. Science is a lesser god which needs to belong to one of the “big three” to function. Usually it is an adjunct of the State or the financial/industrial complex, rarely does religion make legitimate use of science…

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            1. I’m not sure what you are saying here, S’T. You set life up to become anothrr human religion, then move to make science a different form of religion. I’m confused.


  2. Hello rawgod… no problem at all agreeing with the first paragraph. It’s how I was taught to understand how “life” develops. On purpose, well, that’s a big thing for me since having a life purpose defines who and what I am. Without purpose, I don’t exist. However, it seems that you are speaking of purpose from the point of view of “LIFE” which of course we cannot know and most likely can never know. Does LIFE need purpose? I don’t know, but I need purpose in order to live. I need to give myself direction. Like so many I have left the (Christian) faith wherein direction was given to me/forced upon me by “God” – until of course I arrived at the same conclusion as the observer of “the man in the room.” I cannot exist without purpose or I would end up being a slave of either my own lusts, or of others’ lusts, desires or teachings with agendas. Purpose goes with self empowerment and vice versa. I don’t think it is possible to be self empowered without having a set purpose for one’s life. Of course, since we cannot know but only assume, LIFE can have a set purpose and the little parts of it that we observe and partake of could well be essential aspects of the fulfillment of that purpose. Oh the things I could say about that, but I’m tired and out of time. Thanks for the thought and challenges, rawgod.

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    1. As you said, I am talking about life, all life, one life. Each individual makes up his or her own purpose, as you have mentioned. But I am looking at the macro picture tonight, which is what my spirit shows me. If such and such, then what?
      Have a good rest, S’T.


  3. Interesting topic.

    For me, all life has the purpose to procreate itself, or replicate itself in some way. We may not have individual purpose (as pre-organised before birth) but that does not mean that we don’t have choices. I didn’t have children, so my own purpose has left the conscious design to grow a physical universe. Does that make me purposeless? No, because I can actually see a benefit to having the ability to break out of the design mold. That makes me an aberration and possibly a conundrum.
    I can’t say that I can look at myself and say that my existence has a purpose. I am just existing. But I do think about that existence and what it may mean to me. I can’t speak for anyone else as I do not think that my existence is pivotal to the planet in any real way. Maybe I am a figment of my own imagination. I think and therefore I exist.

    As far as Astral travel (mentioned here in the comments), I have done a little, though I also see it as remote viewing too.
    I was feeling a little low a few days ago and in need of a distraction. I asked my spiritual guide to take me somewhere beyond my existence. To my surprise, I found my self going up through clouds and into outer space… watching the earth grow smaller and seeing the sun shine on the thin line of her atmosphere. Then blackness and then I saw a huge magenta coloured planet and watched amazed as I orbited. It was beautiful and huge, with a silvery pink sun like star giving light to the surface.

    On return from this lovely trip, I thought only that I had never heard of such a planet, so thought my imagination had run away with me. But ever hopeful, I put ‘Magenta Pink Planet’ into Google and found

    “GJ 504b, is about the size of Jupiter, but has several times its mass. It’s actually so far the smallest planet that’s ever been directly imaged with a telescope, rather than being observed by eclipsing its parent star.”

    The planet was discovered six years ago (who knew) but defies some of the current physics about planetary formation. Was my guide trying to tell me something? I like to think so. What it means, I don’t know. Maybe our purpose is to grow more intelligent so that we do know?


    1. It is a very interesting topic, isn’t it? Life, as in individual lives, has many purposes, some of which I listed in the post above. And there are many things our lives are able to accomplish, such as astral travel. But I don’t think that is what I am writing about above, though I guess I started that way. But by the end of the post I have switched my focus from individual lives, or even species lives, to life itself. All life, collectively, does life have a purpose? And I think my conclusion is, it does not–yet!
      A lot of times am idea comes into my head, and I think I understand it, and I begin writing to that understanding. But as I write I start to realize my mind or spirit intended for me to take it deeper than even I imagined. This was apparently one of those times.
      And I ran with it. I have to admit I do not often follow the rules of writing, control your topic, stick to one subject. I don’t live my life that way. I love to let my imagination go where it pleases, often without telling the reader–often without telling the writer. It is almost a form of automatic writing, like something takes me over and I don’t know what the next word is until I write it. Not the best way to write, granted, but an amazing way to write. I become a reader as well as a writer. Sometimes the results are failures. Sometimes they are greater successes than I could imagine. Success, that is, by my own estimation…
      Because who am I writing for really? For the readers, yes, but mostly i am writing for me, to give my spirit access to the physical world. Then it is up to the reader to find the level they want to hear the words at. If i don’t always make myself clear, I apologize, but it is the way I am.


      1. You do not have to apologise for anything. Automatic writing often comes with inspiration from somewhere beyond our own mind. Some people call that channeling and it has led to some of the greatest breakthroughs by scientists, philosophers, and inventors.
        The best writing comes easily and automatically.


        1. That is my feeling also, especially when I am in the midst of such a session. But then when I read it back later, some of my tones become suspect. I can see where others might consider me overbearing, or as the Common Atheist said at the start of the afterlife project, a bit of a dick. I believe so firmly in what I experienced on my LSD travels that at times it can affect my personality. I get overwhelmed by myself, and it is for this I apologize.

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  4. To begin, science only “knows” something until it no longer knows it. The earth is flat. No, it is round. No, it is only rounded.
    The sun revolves around the earth. No, the earth revolves around the sun. But the sun revolves around the centre of the galaxy, but it drags the earth with it. The earth does not move in circles, but rather coils around the sun as it travels through the galaxy, as the galaxy travels through the universe, as… ah hell, it just moves–who cares where it goes! It always looks like it is more or less in the same place anyway.
    So far, light still travels faster than sound, but probably science will find a situation where that is proved wrong…

    Okay, point taken. I’ll move on…
    We have plant kingdoms, animal kingdoms, I think we have bacterial and virus kingdoms, but science seems to ignore the most important kingdom of all, the kingdom of life. Most people take life for granted, at least until they die. Life is just there, a fact of, well, life. I don’t see it quite like that. Life is the most powerful force in the cosmos, without it there is no love, no knowing, no anything. Life makes everything sensible, in many ways, including in making life allowed to be sensed. There cannot even be god without life, for all the religious people out there. Nothing, absolutely nothing, exists without life.

    Purpose. Do we need purpose? No, but most humans think we do, on some level at least. What do other species think? Who knows. Hopefully someday they will be able to tell us. Not to be cheeky, my body needs sleep. Now. Till later, Colette. Good night…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I would love to be able to communicate properly with animals. not just with pictures in my head (although that is important). We humans tend to use brain size as a direct correlation with intelligence. I think this is probably due to our own superiority complex. I have met some pretty intelligent dogs, birds, cats, horses, pigs, etc, etc, who could run rings around some of the people I know. We tend to think animals to be ‘dumb’ because they do not follow the same rules of engagement as people. In my experience, the animals go out of their way to understand our rantings when we imprison them in our homes. They are the ones that learn to adapt.
      As you can see, I have mixed feelings about pets. As a former cat owner, I do love animals and love them to be my companions, but I also feel that people who have one solitary dog that is left alone for long portions of the day, are doing great disservice to its wellbeing and social development.

      I do love the video of ‘Spirit” the black panther. It is on my blog under the piece’ Why do we hurt Animals? ‘
      Animals try to tell us lots of things about their purpose in life. We are just blind and deaf to the messages.


  5. I think the fact that we can ask about our purpose, indicates a high likelihood that there is a purpose — whether that purpose is collective or individual. “All our lives so far are shaped by chaos” — perhaps our purpose is to succeed against this chaos…


    1. Could be. When I talk about life purpose, usually I am talking cosmicly, not micro or even macro. But most people like to think they have a purpose, no matter how individual it is. It makes them feel useful in some way. I seldom look at life in the individual (except when I read your one post that I’ve read), the wider my vision the less I see a single purpose for life. Just my way of looking at life.


    1. This is the boring part. Nothing much is changing, except the fire is growing considerably daily. The fire people are doing controlled burns around the town, but until the wind turns around and blows toward town, which is the prevailing direction, we won’t be able to know if our homes are safe or not. That wind shift is being predicted to come tomorrow. Thanks for asking. I’ll keep everyone posted on various people’s comment sections.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. I will, but for now no news is good news, unless the news is we can go home, which will be better news. Of course, going home will mean to fridges and freezers full of rotting foods, but weknew that going away. Electricity has been off for most days in the past week. It will likely mean dead houseplants, for they don’t live well without water. That will make me very sad, for they are old friends who have been with me across Canada and back. Or with Gail for long times too. Non-living things are replaceable, living beings are not.


            1. I can cope with no home, I learned how to be homeless many years ago. But I haven’t learned yet how to be food-free. That will come soon though…


  6. I went from childhood’s naive faith in my family’s Christianity, to exploring other belief systems, to nihilism, to discovering my own life’s meaning and purpose. It’s been an amazing journey.


    1. Yup, I took that same journey. Still on it as a matter of fact. More refining than discovery these days, but refining is important too.
      May I ask one question, please? I mean, I wil ask one question, you are free to answer it or not according to your own preference, but here goes:
      In your meaning and purpose, does life of some kind exist or extend after the death of the pntsical body? A simple yes or no will be sufficient.


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